Wednesday, September 6, 2017

How to Use Telepathy To Talk To A Tree

Relax, empty your mind, let go ... and you will hear them.

My first experience with hearing the chatter of trees was late at night in the woods.  I had just learned to meditate the Buddhist way.    I went into the woods and sat in a triangle between three trees and went into a deep meditation.   The moon was full and the trees were there and they were alive with mental activity !

I was at first a bit alarmed as I'd never heard trees speaking in my mind's eye.   But traveling to this parallel universe also made me so giddy and happy to have found such an arcane expression in a mundane world.   It took me a while but I grew to embrace the truth that trees are as intelligent as human beings and other mammals with lives, relationships, and emotions.   We breath in what they breath out and they breath in what we breath out.  So the animal-plant relationship is a symbiotic and crucial one.   Trees do talk but not talk that we're accustomed to.  They telepath.

The first time a tree spoke to me directly was on my own property.  I have a white pine tree here that is old and taller than any tree in my suburban neighborhood.  The home I live in was also my childhood home and the tree was there all throughout my childhood, through me raising my own children, and now I'm still here in my late 50s with grandchildren coming back to visit.

The tree hugger that I am, I went over to the big white pine that I call Peter and hugged him.  I went into a meditative trance, smelled the white amber bark so beautiful to inhale and felt the true essence of this old friend.

How is your father doing ?  Peter said to me in my mind's eye in a language I understood.  I wasn't expecting an exchange of words with the tree but here it came.   My father is now 87, so I said he's doing ok, he's getting old.  My father had spent 30 years of weekends back in the 60s, 70s  and 80s, mowing the lawn over near Peter and how he knew he was my father and how he must have watched him day in and day out that he knew him was quite interesting to me.

Trees like to be hugged, most of them anyway.  Trees are honored when birds choose them to built their nests and lay their eggs.  They love the company.  If a tree is lucky, it's old and it has family nearby, other trees of the same species who were seeded by the same parents.  Trees and all plants talk to each other under the ground and above the ground.  They feel pain and sadness just like humans and other animals.  Although they live here with us in this world they also live in a subworld or parallel world where words are spoken both telepathically and yet through the earth and the air.

The best way to speak to a tree is to meditate at their base.  Sit beneath the tree (just as the Buddha did under the old Bodhi tree) relax and focus on the breath and empty the mind. The Buddha was addicted to meditation.  The Buddha knew the joy and the learning to be had of entering parallel universes.  Their words will come to you if you are open to hearing them with a mind that is silent, and empty.

There is family in the woods.  You can hear them talk to each other, vibratory,  if you're still, empty, and open to hear.

Using Laurie Cabot's Crystal Meditation, at the base of your chosen tree will work.  Here is a link to this easy and powerful meditative trance technique.  I've used the Crystal Meditation to lucid dream, talk to those who have passed on, and to hear the words of trees.  Or you can use a meditation technique you're familiar with.  The object is to be empty, still, and open to receiving the communication.

Crystal Meditation

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Galdr .... Singing Runic Energies

We are all made of energy.  We all create energy as we live.  Whether we're working, studying, playing, socializing, being quiet and thinking, or sleeping --- there is always an energy exchange going on between us and the universe.

 If you've come to this page, you're familiar with the Elder Futhark and you are looking for information on galdr. Galdr is a wonderful way to use the energy of the runes to live a more dynamic and successful life.  Runic energy is subtle and powerful.  It works and it is you, the singer, who will make it work.

Galdr is vibrational energy that is sung.   You don't have to sing perfectly but you do have to be comfortable singing.  You should enjoy this working and do it enthusiastically without fear.  Think of the phrase,  perfect love and perfect trust  as you sing with your arms outstretched to the world around you.

The first thing you will need is to know something about the 28 runes of the Elder Futhark. There are many rune books you can purchase used on Amazon.  There are also great YouTube videos on the subject. Social media groups (especially on Facebook) have some fabulous rune groups you can join. My favorite rune study group on Facebook is Runes For Runsters.  Look it up, ask to join, and see what they have to offer.

I will give a brief run down on the basic energies of the runes.  

Here is the first Aett and the energies I have personally studied and learned from each:

and the second aett:

and the third and final aett:

Find as much information on each rune before deciding your songs.  When you feel you are ready, you can write in your journal, using combinations of runic energies into your own music and melody.

I like to put positive runes in each song, runes like Algiz and Wunjo.  I don't know anyone who doesn't want to feel joy and protection in their lives.

Here's a galdr I will share with you that I sing to help ease financial insecurities in my home. You can stand with your arms outstretched in the invocation position (yes, we are invoking the energies of the runes when we sing).

You can put this to your own created tune.  Be creative !  Be shamanic !  Dance a bit while you sing. Feel the energy !  Feel inspired by this wonderful gift that was given to mankind in the days of antiquity.  (read up on how the runes were won and given to mankind).

Standing in the invocation position:

Sing this to your own melody to bring more money into your home:

Fehu Othala, Fehu Othala

Fehu Dagaz Wunjo
Fehu Othala Fehu Othala
Fehu Dagaz Wunjo.

Algiz Wunjo - Algiz Wunjo

You can light a candle. Light a fire outside in the fire pit.  Wear a special robe while singing.  Paint your face.  Have a pagan or heathen friend beat a drum to the rhythm of your song.  Or just do this in your bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, or living room.  Just be enthusiastic.

Galdr is both subtle and powerful.  It is also fun.  Watch your life turn around when you invoke the runes into the dark spaces of your personality and being.

I ask you all to study as much as you can about the runes.  One of Odin's many names is,  The Father of Magical Song.  Yes, there are magic words and sounds that we can use to change our lives and the lives of those we love.   The Elder Futhark runic energies are just one way to do it.  There are as many magic words and sounds in the world as there are languages.

Stay tuned to my blog as we discover more magical words from the days of antiquity from other pantheons.


"You're here no matter what." ~The Universe

We all walk around loving peace and hating war.  We complain about people's aggression towards us and to others.  We complain about nat...