Friday, December 1, 2017

Fehu - Rune of Flowing Fertility

Fehu is the rune of increase.  This could be money, fertility, material goods, speed, station in life, moving from place to place, changing from one thing to another, changing from a regular man to a fireman.

We could increase our income as well as our expenses using Fehu.  So know the energy  Most of us like to think Fehu is only about  increasing money because most of us want to do that to ensure our own and our family's security.   We all want to work with energy that will bring more wealth our way.  Make no mistake, Fehu is not just about money !

Thorsen says that Fehu is the "sending rune."   I feel he senses this because the power of Fehu is that of increase.  When send something you increase it's position.  When we change the ordinary to extraordinary we increase it's present location.  So Fehu is all about increase and even change. 

Again, it could be a lot of money, a lot of children, a lot of friends, a lot of energy !    Fehu combined with Uruz could mean a lot of strength.

When it comes to Runes and their phonic sound, Fehu for instance has the "F" sound, I try and think of how words in the English, Norwegian, Icelandic, and German languages that have that sound.

Since English is my language, here are just a smidgen of nouns starting with the F sound.  In each random F noun below, you will find some energy of increase attached to it.

fiance, fiasco, fiat, fiber, fibrin, fiction, fiddle, fiddling, fidelity, fiefdom, field, fielder, fielding, fieldmice, fieldstone, fieldwork, fiend, fiesta, fig, fight, fighter, fighting, figment, figure, figuring, filagree, filament, filbert, file, filibuster, filigree, filler, filling, fillip, filly, film, filter, filtering, filth, fin, final, finale, finalist, finality, finance, financier, financing, find, finder, finding, fine, finger, fingerprint, finial, finish, finisher, finishing, finite, fir, fire, firebug, firecracker, firelight, fireman, firemen, fireplace, firepower, firing, firm, firsthand, fish, fisherman, fishermen, fishery, fishing, fishpond, fission, fist, fit, fitting, fix, fixing, fixture.

Examine each of the words above to fully understand the energy of increase associated with the F rune.  Study as many F nouns out on google that you can and see this doesn't help you understand the energy of increase and change that is Fehu.

Read my other blogs on discovering runic energies using the study of words and language.  Say The Magic Word

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