Monday, December 11, 2017

Algiz - Armor of the Aesir

Algiz, the Rune of protection.  All kinds of protection.  This is a Rune you want to galdr over a child before they run out to play.  We all want and need protection in life.  We may want to galdr this Rune for financial reasons to make sure we always have a home to live in and food on the table.

This is said to be the Z Rune.  For whatever reason, consensus in modern Runic lore says that this Rune makes the Z sound.

Let's look at some modern English words that begin with the Z Rune:

zeel, zoom, zonk, zany, zipper, zest, zinc, zoo, zebra, zealot ..... I'm not getting too much of a feeling of protection in these words.  What do you think ?

Maybe this Rune doesn't have the Z sound.  More study on this Rune will be required.  Possibly a thesaurus would help and I am going to look now.


If this rune has the 'A' sound, I'm finding words under "Protection":  armor, ammunition, aegis (which means a breast plate), attack, offence, apron, affront, air. (google more of these A Rune words to find the energy of Algiz.

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