Saturday, December 2, 2017

Ansuz - Rune of Arcane Authority

Ansuz has always been associated with "a god" or a spirit.   It could be a god of woe or a god of weil...but nonetheless a god.  It has been said of the aborigines in many cultures throughout the world, that the knowledge they gleaned in healing, bead-work, tool-making, and weaving were given to them by nature spirits whom they worshiped.  The medicine man of the tribe would go into the wild and learn which plant cured which ailment ... in fact anytime there was any kind of problem, the medicine man would find his answers in nature.  Which is probably where the legends of elves, fairies, ghosts, angels and other spiritual hosts were partially derived.  It is said in some traditions that it was the elves who first helped man create clothing.  Also, to get the attention of an elf, wear clothing on inside out or backwards ! 

Peruvian woman weaving a traditional rug, a skill said to have been given to humans by elves.

The A rune has a specific harmonic sound.  So again, as in my past blogs, we are going to examine words and specifically nouns that begin with the letter A in English.

apple, alligator, automobile, accent, arcane, argument, autumn, authority, author, army, area, appear, ant, aunt, activity, acetone, ache, achievement, acid, acidity, acknowledgement, acknowledgment, acolyte, aconite, acquaintance, acquiescence, acquiescence, acquisition, acquittal, acre, acreage, acrobat, acrylic, act, acting,  action, activation, active, activism, activity, actor, actuality.
(google more A words, especially nouns)

I find a recurring energy in A words has to do with learning, networking, receiving, partaking and creation.  I also see a lot of protection words, words of honor, help, hurt, connection and words of promotion or worship.

The runes are hiding in plain sight.  I would love for people of other Norse languages, Icelandic, Swedish, German also examine their dictionaries for words that carry the energy of the runes in their meanings.

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