Saturday, December 2, 2017

Isa - Rune of the Immobile Infant

Isa is traditionally the rune of ice.  When we think of ice we think of something that is made by an outside influence, like cold weather or a kitchen freezer.  Unlike water, ice stays in place until an outside influence like warm weather or room temperature makes it mobile again.   When the police tell the criminal to 'freeze' !  They mean for him to stop his movement.  

Now again, we are going to find deeper meaning of the I Rune by finding English nouns (and other worlds) that begin with the sound of a long or even short 'i'.  What do those words mean to us ?  

An infant is a helpless little person that can do nothing without outside help.  But over time the infant learns mobility as in how to roll over, lift up the head, and eventually walk.

Where is the I Rune energy, the energy of being immobilized in these words?

industrialization, industry, inefficiency, inequality, inertia, inevitability, inexperience, infamy, infancy, infant, infantry, infantryman, infantrymen, infarct, infarction, infatuation, infection, image, imagery, imagination, imaging, imagination, imbalance, imbecile, imbroglio, imitation, immaturity, immediacy, immensity, immersion, immigrant, immigration, imminence, immobility, innocence, innovation, innuendo, inoculation, inposition, input, inquest, inquiry, inquisitor, insanity, inscription, inscrutability, insect, insecticide, insecurity, insemination, insert, insertion, inset, inside, insight, insignificance, insinuation.  (google more nouns that begin with I if these are not enough).

Immobility.  I see this rune in many ways as the opposite of Fehu.  Where Fehu moves, Isa is immovable (at least for the time being).

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