Saturday, December 2, 2017

Jera - Rune of the Yielding Year

Jera is traditionally thought of as the rune of the year and a good harvest.  This encompasses every part of the year from seeding, to growing, to harvesting.  Rune authorities also state that this is the Rune of cause and effect.  You reap what you sow.

Norse wheel of the year.

As before, let's examine some English nouns.  The J Rune has the J sound in English but the Y sound in other Northern European languages.  So we'll examine both sounds, the J sound as in the word jump and then the Y sound as in the word yellow.

First with the Y sound:

yacht, yachtel, yachtsman, yachtsmen, yank, yard, yardage, yardstick, yarn, yawl, yawn, yeah, year, yearbook, yearning, yeast, yell, yelling, yellow, yelp, yen, yesteryear, yield, yearling, yielding, yodel, yoke, yokel, yolk, yore, young, youngster, youth, Yule, yam. (Google for more Y words that carry the energy of Jera, the J Rune)

Now with the J sound:

jab, jacket, jade, jag, jail, jalopy, jam, janitor, jar, jargon, java, jaw, jawbone, jay, jazz, jazzmen, jealousy, jedec, jeep, jejunum, jelly, jeopardy, jerk, jersey, jest, jet, jewel, jeweler, jewelry, jiffy, jig, jinx, jitterbug, jog, job, jelly, jester, jug
I think, from looking at the above, that the Y sound of the J rune fits the closet energy to the traditional interpretation of Jera.  Do you agree ?   The set of the J sound also has an energy but not the traditional one.
The energy I do see from the Y sound, consist of very natural things, the earth, wildlife, the land, with a bit of increase added as in growth.  How things can, overtime, grow they increase.  Getting back to the traditional interpretation, this Rune represents raising young ones, crops, and livestock in a year.  The energy of increase and growth.

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