Saturday, December 2, 2017

Kenaz - Rune of the Crucible of Creation

Kenaz.  Many have interpreted this rune as meaning a torch, and have gone on to say that it is the light of the craftsperson, the light of knowledge.  But the Icelandic Rune poem with the English interpretation has always baffled me:  Kaun (ulcer) is fatal to children: death makes a corpse pale

Ancient Civilizations of the North of Europe thought crows to be an omen of death.  Crow begins with the K rune sound.

Let's examine some English nouns (and other parts of speech) beginning with the K rune sound, to possibly find out what this energy really is:

combination, combo, cat, calico, comb, kite, coral, collusion, colonel, captain, call, command, christ, comfort, crack, cake, call, crime, kick, king, kill, cancer, karma, combustion, corrosion, criminality, crimson, cripple, crisp, criteria, criterion, critic, criticism, critique, critter, croak, croaking, crocodile, crone, crook, crop, crossing, crossover, crosswalk, crouch, croupier, crow, crowbait, crowd, crowing, crown, crucifix, crucifixion, crudity, cruelty, cruise, cruiser, cruising, crunch, crupper, crusade, crusader, crush, crusher, crushing, crust, crutch, crux, cry, cryostat, crypt, crystal, crystallite, crystallization, croup, cancer, crystallography, crypt, can, coffin, cauldron, creator.  (again, search google for more words beginning with the sound of the K rune).

I see many things associated with authority, knowledge (meaning a lightbulb going off in someone's head), craft, and fire in looking over some of the words.  I also see many words associated with death and destruction.  I see the energy of calculating, cunning, craft,   I see a crowd, carrying touches and pitch forks looking for a criminal in a forest.  The crowd criticising a criminal.  Catching a criminal.  I see many words associated with death.  Possibly the torch many intuit in the Kenaz Rune is a metaphor for knowledge.

Could Kenaz harness the energy of how to authoritatively cause sickness and death ?  Could it be like the call of the commander during an execution ?   Let me know what you think in the comments.

Etymology and Runic Energies

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